Friday, April 29, 2005
It's interesting that you can "grow old" and "get old" at the same time. Every day we grow older, but we don't really "get" old until someone calls us an old fart or something. At that point, when someone labels us as "old", we've gotten old.
The age old dilemma is "at what point do you feel old?" Does it have to do with the amount of day-to-day pain in your life? If that's the case, I've been old for a while.
If it has to do with your thought process and making irrational decisions, I'm not likely to get old for a long, long time. I still have these little events when I'll be on my mountain bike or rollerblading and I go "I can jump that!" After the inevitable crash, I always go "oooh, that didn't hurt that much when I was younger".
I guess that's when experience enters the picture. IF you buy into the definition of experience as "painful memory from bad judgement". The ability to put that "experience" on a shelf should be worth something. Or not.
You're always going to be older or younger than someone. Makes no never mind. It's all about you and where you are right now.
I'm on the cusp of this. Not that I don't understand or anything, I'm just about to "get" it.
The age old dilemma is "at what point do you feel old?" Does it have to do with the amount of day-to-day pain in your life? If that's the case, I've been old for a while.
If it has to do with your thought process and making irrational decisions, I'm not likely to get old for a long, long time. I still have these little events when I'll be on my mountain bike or rollerblading and I go "I can jump that!" After the inevitable crash, I always go "oooh, that didn't hurt that much when I was younger".
I guess that's when experience enters the picture. IF you buy into the definition of experience as "painful memory from bad judgement". The ability to put that "experience" on a shelf should be worth something. Or not.
You're always going to be older or younger than someone. Makes no never mind. It's all about you and where you are right now.
I'm on the cusp of this. Not that I don't understand or anything, I'm just about to "get" it.