Friday, June 10, 2005
Let's talk about stalking for a bit.
"oh, what fun", you say.
No, not the little fishnet types that my buddy Erni may wear, but people who, unbeknownst (is that a word?) to others, stalk them.
Stalking has a long and distinguished history.
One of the earliest stalkers (you may have heard of him) was called "Jack" and he had this thing for a Giant. One thing lead to another, and the next thing you know, Old Jack is coming down that bean stalk with a trophy and a bad memory.
Not everyone of course gets caught.
Now a-days, you can now stalk a number of people at once, without even leaving your desk. There's a description for these people too.
NOT that there's anything wrong with that. I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to reading someone else's BLOG and wondering if I should comment on it (and I occasionally do), but you've got to wonder what people imagine is going on in MY head when you read my BLOG.
Well, just ask me, if you really want to know. Mostly it's a wind whistle, like the wind blowing over the bald-assed prairie.
Stalking can be quite fulfilling. You can learn (and imagine) a lot about a person without their ever knowing. It's interesting. It's exciting.
BEING stalked is kind of cool too. Suddenly you're on someone else's pedestal. You're a celebrity. Sort of.
It can become freaky pretty quick though. "Is that them? Too short and hairy. Is that them?? no, that's a street light". Then you start to be paranoid about what you throw in the trash (what would they think of me if they find this gum wrapper?). Chaos. Anarchy. Road to hell.
Moral of the story: I need to be careful how much sugar I have at lunch.
OK, I'm off to see where Ashley Judd lives....
"oh, what fun", you say.
No, not the little fishnet types that my buddy Erni may wear, but people who, unbeknownst (is that a word?) to others, stalk them.
Stalking has a long and distinguished history.
One of the earliest stalkers (you may have heard of him) was called "Jack" and he had this thing for a Giant. One thing lead to another, and the next thing you know, Old Jack is coming down that bean stalk with a trophy and a bad memory.
Not everyone of course gets caught.
Now a-days, you can now stalk a number of people at once, without even leaving your desk. There's a description for these people too.
NOT that there's anything wrong with that. I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to reading someone else's BLOG and wondering if I should comment on it (and I occasionally do), but you've got to wonder what people imagine is going on in MY head when you read my BLOG.
Well, just ask me, if you really want to know. Mostly it's a wind whistle, like the wind blowing over the bald-assed prairie.
Stalking can be quite fulfilling. You can learn (and imagine) a lot about a person without their ever knowing. It's interesting. It's exciting.
BEING stalked is kind of cool too. Suddenly you're on someone else's pedestal. You're a celebrity. Sort of.
It can become freaky pretty quick though. "Is that them? Too short and hairy. Is that them?? no, that's a street light". Then you start to be paranoid about what you throw in the trash (what would they think of me if they find this gum wrapper?). Chaos. Anarchy. Road to hell.
Moral of the story: I need to be careful how much sugar I have at lunch.
OK, I'm off to see where Ashley Judd lives....